Friday, September 14, 2007

Here Ratty Ratty!

Brand spanking new kittens, 3 hours old. Crappy pix, but I had my ISO pushed up to 1,600, I didn't want to upset mommy cat even more, cause everybody knows, hell has no fury as a cat pissed off.


Tanja said...

Awww man that is too precious, now I'm broody for kittens again...

Fiona's photo a day said...

Ogh Suz, they are SO cute!!!
I didn't realise how tiny they are when first born...enjoy them :)

Glou said...

Ag, Suz! Te cute.

Unknown said...

Ahh, they're gorgeous.

Natacha said...

Ek wil ook een he!!!! Ai, ek sal wat wil gee vir 'n katjie!!!!

suew said...

ag they are soooo teensy and goreegous!!