Thursday, September 13, 2007

Boy's Pets

No matter how horrid you might find this, if you have a little boy in your house, you can be assured that some time or another they will favor this type of pet. That is part of what boys are about.


Fiona's photo a day said...

Oh no Suz...I'm not looking forward to that part of having a boy.
How do you handle knowing there is a snake in your house *shock*?

Unknown said...

I can handle a snake, they mustn;t even attempt to have a rodent though LOL!

Tanja said...

I must say I don't mind snakes...they just smell funny and I don't like the feeding part

Glou said...

I've already allowed rats. There's just no way I'll ever allow a snake under my roof. eeeek!! Lovely pic.