Sunday, September 16, 2007

Allow me a little rant about my lenses

Taken in the worst possible conditions, at 11am in full sun. This one was taken with my 85mm f1.8 prime - an absolute awesome lens. By far my favourite.
These were taken with my 50mm 1.8 prime lens. One of my oldest and definitely cheapest lenses. I were quite irritated in the afternoon wen I realised that I left my camera with my 85mm at home, so I ended up using the 50mm with the 400D. Looking at the DOF and the sharpness of this pix, I truly believe that everyone interested in portraiture should own one of these cheapies. These were taken at ISO 100, f/2.2.


Tanja said...

Stunning photos...I especially like the colour in the first one

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos! I can't comment about the lenses, as I don't have a SLR. LOL!

Susan said...

WOW Janet?! Looking at your pix, I thought you were at the least shooting with a 350D!

I am even more in awe with your pix now!

Susan said...

Sorry Jeanette, I am such a dork. I meant Jeanette not Janet :(

Fiona's photo a day said...

I love looking at your photo's Suz, I especially love the first one shot at the concert - it's stunning!!!

Glou said...

Stunning pics Suz!